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(1) MIT: New insights on fusion power

David Chandler, MIT News Office
December 3, 2008

Research carried out at MIT's Alcator C-Mod fusion reactor may have brought the promise of fusion as a future power source a bit closer to reality, though scientists caution that a practical fusion powerplant is still decades away.

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(2)Disappearing superconductivity reappears -- in 2-D

Scientists studying a material that appeared to lose its ability to carry current with no resistance say new measurements reveal that the material is indeed a superconductor -- but only in two dimensions. Equally surprising, this new form of 2-D superconductivity emerges at a higher temperature than ordinary 3-D superconductivity in other compositions of the same material.

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Custom Search

November 29, 2008

Bio-Rad -FREE and fully functional software

Bio-Rad -FREE and fully functional software

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

'Bio-Rad offers either free single-user copies or site licenses for your entire department or school if you meet our eligibility requirements outlined in our Terms & Conditions of Use Agreement.

To download your free copy of the KnowItAll Informatics System, Academic Edition, you will need to make a selection above (in the download the software now section), fill out a registration form, and download the software (unless you have already done so). After that, an e-mail with product registration code(s) will be sent to you. You will then need to use this code to activate your software.

What applications and features are included in the KnowItAll® Academic Edition?
DrawIt™ for chemical structure drawing
• Draw 2D & 3D structures
• Automatically assign stereochemical designators for R/S centers and E/Z bonds
• Automatically assign stereochemical designators for R/S centers in Fischer projections of sugars
ReportIt™ to generate high-quality lab reports
• Import IR, NMR, MS, and Raman spectra, & chromatograms in common native file formats
• Create reports complete with structures, spectra, tables, & more
• Access lab glassware and engineering symbol clip art with the click of the mouse
AnalyzeIt™ IR & Raman to interpret spectra
• Interpret the bands in an experimental infrared or Raman spectrum
• Correlate the expected group frequencies from a structure with a spectrum
RefineIt™ IR & Raman and ProcessIt™ NMR
• Import and process spectra from various instrument sources.
Sadtler Spectroscopy Handbooks – Internet Edition
• Review spectroscopy handbooks, starting with the Sadtler Handbook of IR Spectroscopy
• Access key spectroscopic insights by functional group
SymApps™ for molecular symmetry analysis
• Calculate, display, & animate the symmetry for a molecule
• Create movies for three basic rotations
• Calculate point groups, bond lengths, angles, & dihedral angles for all atoms in the structure
General laboratory calculations
• Convert from mole to mass or mass to mole
• Calculate molecular weight from structure
• Access MS fragmentation & MS documentation tools Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical"[1].

Stereochemical Glossary (PDF File!)

Stereochemical Glossary (PDF File!) 

Link -

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical
CAS Standard Abbreviations and Acronyms - General 

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"In both printed CA Issues and Indexes and computer-readable services, certain abbreviations and acronyms are automatically generated for terms in the abstract text, the keyword phrases, and the text modifying phrases for index entries. Most of these abbreviations have been used prior to 1982. Users of computer-readable services need to know these standard abbreviations and acronyms in order to be able to use them in search profiles and identify them in text.

In this document, automatically generated abbreviations and acronyms in CAS publications and services are arranged in three lists. To guide users to abbreviations they need to include in their search profiles, Listing A is arranged in the alphabetical order of the full terms which are abbreviated. Do not use periods when searching CAS abbreviations or acronyms online. To provide explanation of abbreviations encountered in text, Listing B is arranged in the alphabetical order of abbreviations and acronyms"[1].
1. Inorganic Organic Physical

Quantum States of Atoms and Molecules - Digital Book

Quantum States of Atoms and Molecules

Chemistry online Resources

Link - Read the Book,  its Free 

"Quantum States of Atoms and Molecules is an introduction to quantum mechanics as it relates to spectroscopy, the electronic structure of atoms and molecules, and molecular properties. A digital, living textbook, it provides opportunities not found in conventional textbooks—opportunities that allow students to develop skills in information processing, critical thinking or analytical reasoning, and problem solving that are so important for success.

In contrast to many quantum chemistry books, the relevant properties of atoms and molecules become part of the discussion immediately, and concepts are introduced at a concrete level and then generalized, and put in mathematical form at a later stage in the presentation. The goal is to establish the fundamental principles of quantum chemistry and their consequences in a rigorous way while not delaying the discussion of molecular properties until the end. This approach is based on the experience that a concrete verbal description paves the way for a more fundamental, mathematical approach.

The design goals of Quantum States are:

* Make the concepts and methodologies of quantum chemistry accessible and meaningful to all students.
* Develop an understanding of atomic and molecular properties in terms of quantum chemistry.
* Establish the fundamental principles of quantum chemistry and their consequences in a rigorous way while not delaying a discussion of molecular properties until the end.
* Encourage the development of information processing, critical-thinking, and problem-solving skills.
* Set the challenge for each assignment at a level that encourages the growth of critical-thinking and problem-solving skills, yet that can be achieved reasonably, though not always easily, by a student learning team facilitated by a master learner, the instructor.

Quantum States is suitable for a one-semester undergraduate or graduate course and can be part of a two-semester sequence in physical chemistry. It was developed with partial support from the National Science Foundation through grant NSF DUE #0127291.

A set of corresponding questions for student assessment is also available in the QBank collection of the JCE Digital Library"[1].


Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

chem1 virtual textbook

chem1 virtual textbook

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"This project began in the late 1980's as a means to supplement (or in some cases to largely replace ) the conventional textbook treatments of various topics in courses in General Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry. The purpose was in most cases to provide alternatives to what seemed to be the rather shallow standardized treatments of certain topics presented in many commercial textbooks. These became the "assigned reading" for several of my courses. Eventually, and with the help of an extensive set of computer-based lessons, I was able to eliminate the need for an "assigned" textbook for my General Chemistry courses. I did recommend that the students have access to a textbook of some kind, but it could be almost anything they could borrow or buy second-hand or remaindered"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Spectral Database for Organic Compounds

Spectral Database for Organic Compounds

Chemistry online Resources

"Introduction to the Spectral Data Base (SDBS)

SDBS is an integrated spectral database system for organic compounds,which includes 6 different types of spectra under a directory of the compounds. The six spectra are as follows, an electron impact Mass spectrum (EI-MS), a Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FT-IR), a 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrum, a 13C NMR spectrum, a laser Raman spectrum, and an electron spin resonance (ESR) spectrum.

Compounds: ca 33000 compounds
MS: ca 24000 spectra
1H NMR: ca 14700 spectra
13C NMR: ca 13000 spectra
FT-IR: ca 51100 spectra
Raman: ca 3500
ESR: ca 2500 "[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 27, 2008

Spectroscopy Europe

Spectroscopy Europe - Spectroscopy

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

Spectroscopy Europe is a magazine covering all areas of spectroscopy and circulates free-of-charge to 21,000 readers across Europe. The web site provides an electronic version of much of the print magazine, including a searchable database of products and a diary of meetings and conferences.

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Biochemistry Online Learning Tools

Biochemistry Topics List and Learning Tools

Chemistry online Resources ( Biochemistry Online Learning Tools )

Link -

support site for Gayle Rhodes' U. Southern Maine biochemistry courses, using Horton's Principles of Biochemistry.

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 26, 2008

Chemistry Central

Chemistry Central - General Chemistry

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"Chemistry Central is a new service publishing peer-reviewed open access research in chemistry, from BioMed Central - the leading biomedical open access publisher. This site features chemistry-related articles published in Chemistry Central Journal, BioMed Central journals and independent journals utilizing BioMed Central's open access publishing services. All original research articles published by, or in cooperation with, Chemistry Central are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Chemistry Conferences

Chemistry Conferences
A comprehensive, fully searchable database of worldwide conferences, exhibitions and trade fairs. A free online submission form allows chemical organizations to publish their events free of charge.

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Chemweb - General Chemistry

Chemweb - General Chemistry

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"Welcome to the ChemWeb Chemistry Portal

Journal Abstracts from chemistry publishers such as Bentham, Elsevier, Springer and others covering over 500 journals can be searched and accessed for free. Search by title and issue or use Journal Search for full-text search of abstracts across all journals.

Find a conference, trade-show or on-line course on the Events page. Registered members can submit relevant events to the ChemWeb Event Calendar and reach ChemWeb's 250,000+ registered members and our 100,000+ monthly visitors each month. Adding an Event is easy and free. If you are not yet a member - join now - membership is free and takes just a minute to register. provides access to the information chemists need to enhance their research, product development, self-development, education, and/or their businesses in Chemistry and related disciplines. Easy access to abstracts, papers, books, conferences, news, forums and the Alchemist newsletter makes useful to our members. If you are not a member - join now - membership is free and takes just a minute to register. Members have exclusive content access and can participate in the many ChemWeb community features"[1].


Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 21, 2008

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry - General Chemistry

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) serves to advance the worldwide aspects of the chemical sciences and to contribute to the application of chemistry in the service of Mankind. As a scientific, international, non-governmental and objective body, IUPAC can address many global issues involving the chemical sciences"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Solvent Database

Solvent Database - General Chemistry

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

The nonprofit National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) offers an online solvent database called SOLV-DB. Users can choose to browse by eight categories: solvent name, chemical abstracts, sax number, chemical number, chemical formula, property category, matching range, and solvent synonym. Once presented, queries provide a list of physical properties such as specific gravity and boiling point, as well as links to regulatory data, environmental fate data, and health and safety data. The main page contains a how-to link that gives additional user information for this already well - designed and user-friendly resource.

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry - General Chemistry

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"In 1901 the very first Nobel Prize in Chemistry was awarded to Jacobus H. van 't Hoff for his work on rates of reaction, chemical equilibrium, and osmotic pressure. In more recent years, the Chemistry Nobel Laureates have increased our understanding of chemical processes and their molecular basis, and have also contributed to many of the technological advancements we enjoy today."[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

The Orbitron

The Orbitron - General Chemistry

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"A gallery of atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals on the WWW

* Images representing atomic orbitals and molecular orbitals
* Animated plots of wave functions
* Animated plots of electron density
* "Dot-density" plots of electron density
* Plots of radial distribution functions"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 15, 2008

Polysaccharide Biobased Materials Center

Polysaccharide Biobased Materials Center

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"Polysaccharides are biologically produced (bio-based) materials that have a unique combination of functional properties and environmentally friendly features. Polysaccharides are also polymers and their long chain structures, as in man-made polymers, provide good mechanical properties for applications such as fibers, films, adhesives, melt processable plastics, thickeners, rheology modifiers, hydrogels, drug delivery agents, emulsifiers, etc. They are renewable materials, produced from other biological compounds, and generally are non-toxic and biodegradable. These features make polysaccharide materials a natural fit for sustainable development. Commercially available products include starch, cellulose and its derivatives (such as cellulose acetate, carboxymethyl cellulose, and methyl cellulose), sodium alginate, xanthan gum, dextran, carrageenan, and hyaluronic acid. Research continues to bring us new materials with improved performance and lower costs. This website is dedicated to promoting the commercial development of polysaccharide materials.

Explore this website and learn more about the chemical and physical properties of polysaccharides, their applications and markets, and commercial sources. Featured below are highlights of recent articles about exciting developments with polysaccharide materials"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Polymer Chemistry (Tutorials)

Polymer Chemistry (Tutorials)

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

A resource compiled by David Whisnant of Wofford College, Spartanburg, SC, USA."This resource will concentrate on these parameters and their influence on polymer properties. Links to other useful polymer chemistry sites are listed below"[1].

chemical composition and polymerization reactions, intermolecular forces, molecular weight distribution, topology, isomerism, morphology (classification of polymers and polymer crystallinity), polymer properties including transitions, mechanical properties, and experimental methods.

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 8, 2008

The Organometallic HyperTextBook

The Organometallic HyperTextBook

Chemistry online Resources

"This reference is meant for students who are starting out in the area of Organometallic Chemistry as well as those who wish to review and interrelate concepts for their class, Oral Exams or placement tests. The power of this resource lies in its use of hypertextual information. Pick a topic from the index and see how"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Organometallic Mechanisms

Organometallic Mechanisms

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"This online course is a computerized version of a lecture course concerning organometallic chemistry in the subject area of the mechanisms of reactions and homogeneous catalysis .

The topics covered in the course include the following points:

Review of Basic Concepts: 18 Electron Rule, Green-Davies-Mingos Rules Review of ligand types; s, p donors and acceptors, Fundamental Reactions: Oxidative-addition reactions, including orthometallation, Carbon-hydrogen bond activation, Migration reactions, including alkyl and hydride migrations, Reductive elimination reactions, including a and b-hydride elimination's

Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions: Olefin hydrogenation, Hydroformylation, Acetic acid synthesis, Olefin metathesis and the Latest advances in Olefin Polymerisation Catalysis:"[1]

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

The RCSB Protein Data Bank

The RCSB Protein Data Bank

Chemistry online Resources

"The RCSB PDB provides a variety of tools and resources for studying the structures of biological macromolecules and their relationships to sequence, function, and disease.

The RCSB is a member of the wwPDB whose mission is to ensure that the PDB archive remains an international resource with uniform data.

This site offers tools for browsing, searching, and reporting that utilize the data resulting from ongoing efforts to create a more consistent and comprehensive archive"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 7, 2008

Free Full-Text Journals in Chemistry

Free Full-Text Journals in Chemistry

Chemistry Online Resources - Chemical Literature

Link -

"About the Directory ABC Chemistry : Free Full-Text Journals in Chemistry

Accessibility of a great number of online chemistry journals is subjected to a mixed paying policy: the publisher may grant free access to a selected set of volumes (issues) while the admission to the rest of the database may be open just to subscribers or paying visitors. Quite often the information on the availability status is hidden deeply in the publisher's website pages and this complicates finding the free part of content.

The Directory makes this task easier by listing the fully and partly free journals that comply with the following criteria:

* publisher's grading of a journal as peer-reviewed;
* one-year, at least, free full-text content, or extensive free supplements to printed versions of papers;
* chemistry or chemistry-related subject coverage;
* English language of articles (journals in Russian are also listed on a separate page).

We selected the journals based on their free availability to reader, but not on publishers’ strategies, which were different (Open Access Initiative, publisher's promotional strategy, government's funding, etc.) for different journals and publishers"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Directory of Open Access Journals

Directory of Open Access Journals

Chemistry Online Resources - Chemical Literature

Link -

"Open Access Journal:

We define open access journals as journals that use a funding model that does not charge readers or their institutions for access. From the BOAI definition [1] of "open access" we take the right of users to "read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles" as mandatory for a journal to be included in the directory"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical



Chemistry Online Resources - Chemical Literature

Link -

"ChemPort is a linking technology developed by Chemical Abstracts Service. It is a free service for customers of CAS electronic services as well as our publishing partners. ChemPort provides two main services: ChemPort Connection and ChemPort Reference Linking"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 6, 2008

Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry (BJOC)

Chemistry Online Resources - Chemical Literature

Link -

"The Beilstein Journal of Organic Chemistry is a peer-reviewed, Open Access journal that publishes research articles on all aspects of organic chemistry. The content is freely accessible online and is publicly archived. Authors can publish scientific articles free of charge as the BJOC is completely funded by the Beilstein-Institut, a non-profit foundation committed to advancing communication and information in chemistry. Editor-in-chief of the BJOC is Jonathan Clayden, University of Manchester, UK"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Virtual Computational Chemistry Laboratory

Virtual Computational Chemistry Laboratory

on-line software

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"This site provides free on-line tools, which we hope you will find helpful in performing computational chemistry, ADME/T and chemoinformatics tasks including the building and visualisation of chemical structures, the calculation of molecular properties and the analysis of relationships between chemical structure and properties. All these tools are developed, provided and supported by the VCCLAB partners.

Please feel free to browse our site and take advantage of the various on-line cheminformatics services provided. However, the calculation algorithms are running on remote servers, communicating via the Internet, so we are unable to control the speed of access to these services. An overview of on-line WWW resources for Phys-Prop calculations is also available"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 2, 2008

The CCP1GUI - free, extensible Graphical User Interface

The CCP1GUI - free, extensible Graphical User Interface

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"The CCP1GUI project has arisen as a result of demand within the UK academic community (principally through CCP1) for a free, extensible Graphical User Interface (GUI) for community codes, particularly for teaching purposes. There is also a long-standing requirement for a graphical interface for the GAMESS-UK quantum chemistry programme, which we plan to satisfy using the CCP1 developments.

The GUI has been built around the Python open-source programming language and the VTK visualisation toolkit, both of which have been ported to all the major operating system platforms. The GUI is therefore capable of running on all of these systems. Distributions of the GUI have already been successfully tested on Windows, and Suse and Redhat Linux distributions, and packages for these distributions are freely available from our ftp site.

The CCP1GUI has been released under the GNU GPL licence and is freely available to download. Downloads are available from the CCP1GUI pages on sourceforge or from the ftp site of the Computational Chemistry Group at STFC Daresbury Laboratory.

The design of the GUI makes the most of Python's high degree of object-orientation, including advanced features such as multiple inheritance. The strong reliance on object orientation means that it is quick and easy to create interfaces to new computational chemistry codes as the need arises. The GUI already has a highly-featured interface for the GAMESS-UK program, and there are working interfaces for Dalton, Molpro, ChemShell and MOPAC"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

SmiLib - free, platform indepentend software

SmiLib - free, platform indepentend software

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"SmiLib is a free, platform indepentend software tool for rapid combinatorial library enumeration in the flexible and portable SMILES notation. SmiLib enumerates combinatorial libraries at rates of approximately 9,000,000 molecules per minute on fast computers"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

November 1, 2008

RasMol - free molecular viewer

RasMol - free molecular viewer

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"RasMol is a molecular graphics program intended for the visualisation of proteins, nucleic acids and small molecules. The program is aimed at display, teaching and generation of publication quality images. RasMol runs on wide range of architectures and operating systems including Microsoft Windows, Apple Macintosh, UNIX and VMS systems. UNIX and VMS versions require an 8, 24 or 32 bit colour X Windows display (X11R4 or later). The X Windows version of RasMol provides optional support for a hardware dials box and accelerated shared memory communication (via the XInput and MIT-SHM extensions) if available on the current X Server.

The program reads in a molecule coordinate file and interactively displays the molecule on the screen in a variety of colour schemes and molecule representations. Currently available representations include depth-cued wireframes, 'Dreiding' sticks, spacefilling (CPK) spheres, ball and stick, solid and strand biomolecular ribbons, atom labels and dot surfaces"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Perl Modules for Molecular Chemistry

PerlMol - Perl Modules for Molecular Chemistry

Chemistry online Resources

Link -

"PerlMol is a collection of Perl modules for chemoinformatics and computational chemistry with the philosophy that "simple things should be simple". It should be possible to write one-liners that use this toolkit to do meaningful "molecular munging". The PerlMol toolkit provides objects and methods for representing molecules, atoms, and bonds in Perl; doing substructure matching; and reading and writing files in various formats"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

Free Chemistry Hand Books

Hand Books

This site provides thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics data compiled by NIST under the Standard Reference Data Program.

Learn Chemistry Online - Free online courses