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(1) MIT: New insights on fusion power

David Chandler, MIT News Office
December 3, 2008

Research carried out at MIT's Alcator C-Mod fusion reactor may have brought the promise of fusion as a future power source a bit closer to reality, though scientists caution that a practical fusion powerplant is still decades away.

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(2)Disappearing superconductivity reappears -- in 2-D

Scientists studying a material that appeared to lose its ability to carry current with no resistance say new measurements reveal that the material is indeed a superconductor -- but only in two dimensions. Equally surprising, this new form of 2-D superconductivity emerges at a higher temperature than ordinary 3-D superconductivity in other compositions of the same material.

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December 11, 2008

Interactive Computer Models for Analytical Chemistry Instruction

Interactive Computer Models for Analytical Chemistry Instruction

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"This is a collection of free, downloadable, interactive computer models and simulations of common analytical instruments and techniques. Most have a point-and-click interface; you click buttons and drag sliders to control variables and the model responds dynamically, often much faster than real time. I originally designed these models for students in my courses in Instrumental Analysis (an upper-division undergraduate laboratory course) and Spectrochemical Methods (a graduate lecture course). They were designed to be used by individual students either as homework assignments, for in-class use in a computer lab environment, in the laboratory for the analysis of student-generated data, or as a temporary replacement for unavailable laboratory equipment. They can also be used by the instructor in lecture-demonstration environments. Student assignment handouts and suggested experiments are attached to most of them. The mathematical basis for each model is described, including all cell definitions and equations. These spreadsheets make extensive use of named cells (variables), which makes the equations easier to understand (as compared to row-colunm references)'[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

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Analytical Chemistry Cross-Index

Analytical Chemistry Cross-Index

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"This index provides an introduction to some of the fundamental concepts and methods of analytical chemistry. The topics are arranged in the order in which they are commonly presented in an undergraduate analytical chemistry course"[1].

Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical

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This site provides thermochemical, thermophysical, and ion energetics data compiled by NIST under the Standard Reference Data Program.

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