Organometallic Mechanisms
Chemistry online Resources
Link -"This online course is a computerized version of a lecture course concerning organometallic chemistry in the subject area of the mechanisms of reactions and homogeneous catalysis .
The topics covered in the course include the following points:
Review of Basic Concepts: 18 Electron Rule, Green-Davies-Mingos Rules Review of ligand types; s, p donors and acceptors, Fundamental Reactions: Oxidative-addition reactions, including orthometallation, Carbon-hydrogen bond activation, Migration reactions, including alkyl and hydride migrations, Reductive elimination reactions, including a and b-hydride elimination's
Homogeneous Catalytic Reactions: Olefin hydrogenation, Hydroformylation, Acetic acid synthesis, Olefin metathesis and the Latest advances in Olefin Polymerisation Catalysis:"[1]
Analytical Inorganic Organic Physical