Crystal structure analysis
Chemistry online Resources
Internet Course: Structure Determination by Powder Diffractometry (SDPD), Universite du Maine, France. Learn how to determine a crystal structure from powder diffraction data with experts help
Link - http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/course/index.html
The SDPD (Structure Determination by Powder Diffractometry) Internet Course is accomplished in 10 sessions, exclusively on Internet and asynchronous. Students are expected to work at least 8 hours per week on the documents and exercises sent by e-mail. The diploma is attributed after a final examination consisting in the structure determination of an unknown compound in 2 weeks.
Link - http://sdpd.univ-lemans.fr/course/index.html
The SDPD (Structure Determination by Powder Diffractometry) Internet Course is accomplished in 10 sessions, exclusively on Internet and asynchronous. Students are expected to work at least 8 hours per week on the documents and exercises sent by e-mail. The diploma is attributed after a final examination consisting in the structure determination of an unknown compound in 2 weeks.
Various teaching material prepared by A. D. Hunter, A. D. Hunter. Includes a student friendly lab manual on using the SHELXTL (and to a lesser extent SHELX) package of single-crystal programs to solve routine crystal structures. Also available at http://www.as.ysu.edu/~adhunter/YSUSC/index.html
Link - http://www.as.ysu.edu/~adhunter/Teaching/Chem832/index.html
Practical Guide to Solving Single Crystal Structures, Manuel A. Fernandes. Guide to solving crystal structures using WinGX together with other well know crystallographic packages such as Platon and MercuryLink - http://www.as.ysu.edu/~adhunter/Teaching/Chem832/index.html
Link - http://www.gh.wits.ac.za/manuel/solving-xtals/
"This webpage hosts a guide to solving crystal structures using WinGX together with other well know crystallographic packages such as Platon and Mercury. Currently Chapter 1 (describing the theory behind crystallography at a very basic level) is missing and will be added later. This was however covered in the lectures and can be found in any crystallography text book. In addition, a fifth chapter describing the structure solution of disordered structures still has be added"[1].
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